A Piece of Advice

Is it okay to date someone of a different religion?

2 mins. read

Topics: Inter-Faith,Dating,Starting Out

Key Takeaways

  • People should have the freedom to listen only to themselves in deciding who to date.
  • A person’s religious and spiritual beliefs can be a deeply meaningful, beautiful, and rich part of their life.

Not only is this an excellent question, it’s a highly charged one and you would hear impassioned, diverse points of view depending on whom you ask. Relationship research shows that people who hold more fundamentalist religious views tend to be less supportive of the idea of inter-faith relationships and would be less likely to date someone of a different religion. Other factors that are linked to a person’s views on inter-faith dating include the culture that surrounds them and where they live, and what family role they’re in.

I believe it’s perfectly okay for two people of different religions to not only date, but also to be in a serious relationship and get married if that’s what they wish. People should have the freedom to listen only to themselves in deciding who to date.

However, it’s important to note that a person’s religious and spiritual beliefs can be a deeply meaningful, beautiful, rich part of their life. Research on interfaith couples reveals that when two people of different faiths come together, an important consideration is their ability to make their religious beliefs and practices work well together. So if you feel drawn toward someone who is of a different faith, you want to date each other, you feel physically safe doing so, and you’re just wondering whether it’s acceptable, I say go for it.

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